Cory Calavan

  • Total activity 49
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Recent activity by Cory Calavan Recent activity Votes
  • Adding a User in Rewardworks

    If you have a new Rewardworks user who receives a permissions error when they try to open the Rewardworks software on their computer, then they need to be added as a user in your Rewardworks enviro...

  • Registering Online Services with Amex to enroll your Amex Virtual Cards


  • NetSuite Vendor List Export

    Generating a NetSuite Vendor List with Spending Summary ProcessIf your company uses NetSuite, you can generate vendor lists that include the spending summary instead of having to track all of the i...

  • How to Export Card Payments

      In this link, we demonstrate step-by-step instructions how to export your Card Payments in a given month.  

  • DealerTrack Vendor Export Instructions

    Step 1:  If you do not have a report setup, create one by clicking the add button and it will be shown in the screen. Choose a description and a year, and hit OK.   Step 2: To get the payment amoun...

  • Pay Run Guide

    This is a quick user guide of how to do a basic pay run with Rewardworks:   Before launching Rewardworks, make sure your accounting software is open and the user is logged in. Once you are logged ...

  • Virtual Cards - FAQ

    What are Virtual Cards and Virtual Payments?   Virtual card payments create a unique number for each payment.   They are issued to a specific vendor and for a specific amount.   What are the benefi...

  • Virtual Payments Tab

    Rewardworks - Virtual Payments With American Express Virtual Payments, a unique, one-time credit card number is created each time you pay a vendor. This unique number is authorized for only for th...

  • Invoices Tab

    Rewardworks Invoices   When you launch Rewardworks, the Invoice screen will be empty. In order to populate the invoice screen you will need to perform a Refresh Invoices Only or Refresh All.   R...

  • Vendors Tab

    Rewardworks - Vendor Options   Rewardworks will list all the vendors from your accounts payable system, regardless if you are presently paying them via credit card.   You can configure Rewardwor...