RewardWorks provides both summary and detailed Payment history. There are three main report categories: Payment History, Open Payables and Vendor. All the reports from this screen can be printed or exported to Word, Excel or .PDF.
Payment History
Payment History by Vendor
Select the appropriate date range for the report. Then select the By Vendor.
Every vendor that has been paid via RewardWorks will be listed in the right window pane.
After setting the date range click on one or more vendors and check any of the options below then click on Create Report in the lower right corner of the screen.
Payment History by Account
Select the appropriate date range for the report. Then select the By Account.
Every payment account in RewardWorks will be listed in the right window pane.
Select one or more payment accounts and then click on Create Report.
Open Payables
There are two Open Payables reports, Open Invoices and Aging. Both reports use the invoice information that has been imported into RewardWorks.
Open Invoice Viewing Options: All Vendors, Credit Card Vendor Other Vendors.
Aging Report Viewing Options: Credit Card Vendor Other Vendors.
There are two reports available under Vendor, Conditional Vendor Report and Vendor Details.
Conditional Vendor Report – If a vendor has any credit card acceptance conditions, this report will provide the conditions.
Vendor Details – For vendors that are set for payment, this report shows the vendor’s name, contact preference. This report shows all the vendors set for payment
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